Traffic Management Plan
Our “Internal Circulation Road” is an important feature of our school and offers an expedient and safe way for children to be dropped off and picked up from school. Our “Traffic Management Plan” states that entry is from the southern entrance in Balfour Lane only (between Coles and Coles car park). Please see diagram below.
In the past there has been a serious problem at the entrance to Balfour Lane, with cars lining up onto the Pacific Highway intersection, through the lights causing further traffic problems.
There is also a level of frustration, as drivers from both directions try to enter the laneway. Whilst it is legal to come down the hill from the Pacific Highway and turn right into Balfour Lane, there is a need to consider the safety of drivers who are trying to cross the intersection at the Pacific Highway and Balfour Street.
In an effort to streamline this process and reduce the potential risks we ask you to use a left turn only coming up Balfour Street. The easiest way to do this would be to turn from the Pacific Highway left into Highfield Road and go around the block coming up Balfour Street for a left hand turn into Balfour Lane.