Leadership Program

At Holy Family Catholic Primary School training in leadership begins in the classroom and develops as students progress through the school. It involves formal leadership programs and practical leadership experiences.

The approach recognises that students can be leaders across many different areas and that leadership skills learnt in primary school can lay the foundations for future leadership opportunities.

Student Leadership

At Holy Family the Senior Students are school leaders and act as role models for the younger children.

All children in years six and five are leaders and it is expected they will take on extra responsibilities. As well as this, some children from year six are chosen through a process of discernment by students and staff to take leadership positions for the year.

These positions are:

  • School Leadership Team
  • House Leaders
  • Leaders of Mission
  • Senior Library Leaders
  • Leaders of Band
  • Leaders Green Team 
  • Technology Leaders
  • Leaders of S.R.C
  • Leaders of Innovation
  • Leaders of Communication 

What is the role of school leadership?

Hear from our School Leaders 2024

“Leadership is more than a shiny badge – We as leaders always see the leadership potential in everyone around us, and together we can make a difference.”

School Leaders 2024